Unmasking Tuberculosis: The Stealthy Killer is an impactful documentary film created by three high school learners from Makhaza in Khayelitsha. It zeroes in on the lives of two individuals deeply affected by tuberculosis (TB): a man who has lost a lung and almost his life and a woman acting to save her four-year-old daughter. Filmed against the backdrop of the township of Khayelitsha, the film interweaves personal battles with the larger narrative of TB's stealthy devastation in the community of Khayelitsha.

This documentary film was shot and edited by Lukholo Mdikiza (18), Zubenathi Ruka (20) and Ahluma Msaseni (17), three high school learners from IkamvaYouth Makhaza as part of the Eh!woza Learner Doccies programme.